“Advanced Business English—Listening and Speaking” is a 2-credit
selective course targeting undergraduates in UIBE who are interested in
pursuing a career in international business environment. The three
major objectives are: to sharpen their English listening and speaking
skills through practice with various tasks; to advance their business
knowledge and know how to use these business terminologies and
concepts to express their opinions and ideas; to enhance their
cross-cultural awareness and analytical and critical thinking capabilities.With China’s Belt & Road initiative undergoing for 10 years and in need
of global talents, the course is meant to 1) to shape moral ethos by
combining value orientation, knowledge and capabilities. 2) to enhance
student’s ability in listening skills such as skimming, predicting, topic
sentence identification, scanning, inferring, dictation, note-taking, and
logical-relation establishment; 3) to enhance students’ ability to sort out
business information and put the knowledge into language-skill practice;
4) to enhance students’ ability to voice their opinions on
business-related topics with fluency, accuracy, functional language, confidence and in a cooperative manner so as to achieve their
communicative purpose. (177 words)